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Michelle Townsend
MS Secretary to the Principal
Middle School
Jennifer Townsend
ES Math Interventionist
Elementary School
Samuel Trent
Maintenance Assistant
Raymond Tubojan
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Hayes Turner
PC Technician
High School
Jeffrey Urayan
HS English Teacher
High School
Joy Utzinger
ES Art Teacher
Elementary School
Teresa Vance
ES Principal
Elementary School
Kaye Vanlandingham
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Tylic Vaughan
MS Health/PE Teacher
Middle School
Rosa Vaughan
HS Instructional Assistant
High School
Jules Velarde
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Pathravuong Vorn
HS Math Teacher
High School
Kelsey Waddell
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Nicole Wahrman
8th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Kristina Walker
HS English Teacher
High School
Jessica Walker
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Alfred Washington
Malcolm Watkins
Maintenance Assistant
Carolyn Watkins
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary School