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Dr. Maurice Smith
MS Assistant Principal
Middle School
Donte' Smithson
Supervisor of Transportation
Suzanne Smith-Tucker
MS Assistant Principal
Middle School
Mary Sparks
Elementary School
Frances Spencer
Van Driver
Jenny Stanley
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Teresa Stewart
MS Registrar/Attendance Clerk
Middle School
Carlson Stewart
HS Science Teacher
High School
Lesley Stimpert
ES Library Media Specialist
Elementary School
Amesia Stokes
New Horizons
Sandra Stokes-Gray
Pre-K Teacher
Elementary School
Lindsay Talbott
HS Agriculture Teacher
High School
Shelia Taylor
Bus Driver
Erik Therkildsen
HS History Teacher
High School
Megan Thomas
Student Information Specialist
Central Office
Nita Thompson
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Anna Thompson-Dunbar
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Kim Thurston-Foster
HS SPED Teacher
High School
Amy Tolbert
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Ruthann Tomlin
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School