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Hallie Watson
HS Band/Music Teacher
High School
Elizabeth Watson
Maintenance Assistant
Michael Weaver
HS Auto Mechanics Teacher
High School
Deana Weems
HS Counselor
High School
Tanya White
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Kerry White
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Rayburt Whitehead
Kacey Whorley
8th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Clifford Wilkerson
Supervisor of Maintenance
Olin Williams
HS Health/PE Teacher
High School
Paulette Williams
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Margaret Williams
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Leah Williams
ES Receptionist
Elementary School
Ruth Williamson
SPED Teacher
Gordon Wilson
Bus Driver
Adam Wolf
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Devina Woodley
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Donna Woodson
Director of Special Education
Central Office
Martha Word
MS Health/PE Teacher
Middle School
Kelly Wright
ES Counselor
Elementary School