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Ashley Newsome
HS Assistant Principal
High School

Catherine Noraas
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Karlo Ocampo
HS Science Teacher
High School

Theresa Odino
HS Attendance Clerk/Secretary
High School

Jenifer Orange
MS Instructional Assistant
Middle School

Rosa Osborne
Food Service Manager
Food Service

Stacey Pafford
Payroll Specialist/Clerk of the Board/FOIA
Central Office

Howard Paras
HS Math Teacher
High School

David Parker
Maintenance Assistant

Penny Parran
Bus Shop Secretary

Tabitha Perkins
ES Secretary to the Principal
Elementary School
434-315-2100 ext. 3121

Donna Peters
Van Driver

April Pielego
MS SPED Teacher
Middle School

Sandy Pin
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Keela Pinnock-Hartley
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Carol Pippen
HS English Teacher
High School

Darrell Pitts
ES Health/PE Teacher
Elementary School

Shanelle Polson
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Jamie Popp
Central Office

Jennifer Poulston
Van Driver