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Garland Mayhew
Donald McClelland
HS Culinary Arts Teacher
High School
Amy McClure
Coordinator of Grants
Central Office
Brandy McGahen
8th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Gerald McKendry
HS History Teacher
High School
Clinton McLane
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Gwen McQuaige-Hicks
HS Principal
High School
Parker Mead
HS Health/PE Teacher
High School
John Meinhard
PC Technician
Elementary School
Kemesha Miller-Johnson
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Chelsea Moore
MS Library Media Specialist
Middle School
Sarah Moras
MS SPED Teacher
Middle School
Kelly Morgan
Family Engagement Specialist
Central Office
Diego Morillo Martinez
ES Spanish Teacher
Elementary School
Mindy Morris
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Beatrice Moseley
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Arthur Motley
HS History Teacher
High School
Lynnea Motter
ESL Teacher
Central Office
Patsy Nance
HS Instructional Assistant
High School
Brenda Nash
HS Bookkeeper
High School