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Maria Hamilton
ES Reading Coach
Elementary School
Shantell Harmitt
5th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Chontrese Haskins
Food Service Manager
Food Service
Diane Hendricks
Instructional Assistant
New Horizons
Claudia Hernandez
MS SpanishTeacher
Middle School
Dr. Priscilla Hicks
ES Assistant Principal
Elementary School
Tetriss Hicks
HS GED/JVG Teacher
High School
April Hill
MS Nurse
Middle School
Felice Hines
HS SPED Teacher
High School
Jackie Holland
Jason Holman
Secretary to the Director of Special Education
Central Office
Brenda Holman
HS Instructional Assistant
High School
Jennifer Horning
Central Office
Mary Horning
HS Math Teacher
High School
William Hurt
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Ernestine Hurt
Food Service Assistant
Food Service
Dianna Hurt
Bus Driver
Dwight Ivey
Bus Driver
Roger Jackson
Bus Driver
Rosemary Jackson
Food Service Assistant
Food Service