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Sarah Edwards
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School

Jess Edwards
HS Art Teacher
High School

Andee Edwards
ES Reading Interventionist
Elementary School

Gloria Eiban
Speech Language Pathologist
Central Office

Angel Emerson
7th Grade Teacher
Middle School

Shaunda Eppes
Central Office

Loveline Faggins
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Carlina Fane
5th Grade Teacher
Middle School

Aundrea Felder
Instructional Mentor
Central Office

Donnie Ferrell
Bus Driver

Rachel Fielding
MS Career Explorations Teacher
Middle School

Elizabeth Fitts
Pre-K Teacher
Elementary School

Jerome Fleming
Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction
Central Office

Maria Flores
HS ScienceTeacher
High School

Katherine Foote
Central Office

Moses Ford
Bus Driver

Shatina Ford
HS Instructional Assistant
High School

Timothy Forsythe
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Kimberly Foster
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Thomas Foster
Coordinator of Data Analytics and Career Connections
Central Office