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Nelliza Carrera
8th Grade Teacher
Middle School

Kenetta Carricato
ES Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Linda Carter
Van Driver

Antoinette Carter-Chaffin
ES Counselor
Elementary School

Maria Castillo
HS Math Teacher
High School

Yushance Channer
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School

Melindy Chansky
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Lynn Chapman
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Sarah Chappell
ES Nurse
Elementary School

Frances Clark
ES SPED Teacher
Elementary School

NaTasha Clark
Food Service Manager
Food Service

Shelly Clark-Reed
MS Principal
Middle School

Katherine Cole
HS English Teacher
High School

Joyce Copeland
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Brenda Coppedge
Bus Monitor

Paola Cordova
HS Spanish Teacher
High School

Dr. Joseph Cox
Interim Superintendent
Central Office

Jason Crabtree
Supervisor of Technology
Central Office

William Crawley
Food Service Assistant
Food Service

Sharaine Crooks-Preval
5th Grade Teacher
Middle School