Dr. Johnson, PECPS Superintendent provided the following updates about the elementary school on November 3, 2023.
- Elementary Renovation – PECPS continues to work with Moseley Architects on the elementary school renovation. To-date, the division has drafted and presented a contract for services beyond the design phase of the project to the architectural firm. Moseley's attorneys are reviewing the documents and are in communication with our representatives. We expect to have all the legalities resolved soon. In the meantime, the architects continue to work with us as we approach the next phase of renovation, which is selecting a construction company to move the project forward.
- Competitive Construction Grant – Funding sources for the comprehensive renovation of the elementary school is an ongoing discussion. As noted in previous updates, one funding resource is the Virginia Department of Education School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP). The General Assembly and Governor Youngkin created the grant program to facilitate new school construction, additions, and major building renovations.
PECPS is completing the application for this competitive grant, due by November 28, 2023.