The Career Technical and Educational Center at Prince Edward County High School receives a $37,500 Grant from the Virginia Department of Education.

Prince Edward County Public Schools (PECPS) has been awarded a $37,500 Career and Technical Education Competitive Grant to implement innovative augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology at its Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center. The grant will fund the purchase of eight zSpace bundled hardware kits to provide immersive and interactive learning experiences for students in various CTE courses.

zSpace combines AR and VR technology to create lifelike experiences that enhance learning in STEM disciplines. The equipment will be utilized in courses such as Introduction to Animal Systems, Veterinary Science, Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences, and Automotive Technology. The zSpace hardware kits will be integrated into the existing curriculum, allowing students to seamlessly move between virtual and real-world learning environments while collaborating with teachers and classmates.

The grant will also cover onboarding technician training and professional development for teachers, ensuring they are well-equipped to use zSpace technology effectively. In addition to addressing current student interests in career pathways, PECPS will monitor labor market trends and adjust the technology accordingly to keep pace with industry demands.

This initiative supports PECPS's commitment to providing innovative educational experiences that prepare students for high-demand, high-wage professions in the region and state. The implementation of zSpace technology has the potential to significantly impact student learning, engagement, and motivation while developing essential 21st-century skills.