For Students
Performance Matters- This is where students will take online assessments given by their teachers.
Canvas- This is where students can login to their PECPS Canvas account.
Accelerated Reader - This is where students, teachers, and parents can go to either take tests on books or check in to see how a student is doing on these tests.
Technology Support Request - Students or families can submit a request here related to device damage or other issue with student devices.
AR Home Connect - Accelerated Reader for use when off campus.
AR Book Finder - Where you can find books enrolled in Accelerated Reader.
Clever - Single-sign on to access many student programs and applications.
Technology Guide for Students - Information for students about devices and accounts used at school. You must be logged into Google to access this page.
Desmos Calculators - Calculator applications that will be used on many math SOLs per VDOE Supt. Memo
Plato - This link takes you to a web-based learning program that challenges the students with interactive content.
Postsecondary Education and Employment Info - This site contains information about postsecondary education and employment information for high school students and parents.
School Responder - PECPS School Responder provides our students a way to report bullying, cyberbullying, or other serious concerns.
School Supply List
World Book Online - This link takes you to an online encyclopedia for student research.
Student Portal - This link connects the students or parents can log into PowerSchool to check grades, class schedules, etc.